The Double Life Of Alize

One night, about a month ago, I was gettin’ my social media hustle on, when I received a tweet from @thisisAlizeS – a.k.a Yung Superman. He asked if I was interested in interviewing a web series producer who also happens to be a rap artist.


I’m always down for making a new connection, but before I responded, I had to make sure he was legit (read: not crazy!). I checked his Twitter page and his link to his web series / reality show, and once I verified that everything was cool, I replied and let him know I wanted to learn more.


One of the reasons I chose to meet up with Alize is that I liked his hustle. I thought he was pretty ambitious living a double life. When he’s not in school (he’s currently enrolled at University of Toronto), he produces a web series, and trying to make it as a rapper.


Another reason is that I really enjoyed his web seriesLife, Love N Struggle: Toronto. I like that it has “normal” drama (not the crazy over-the-top ish you typically associate with reality shows) and I like the premise of the show – a group of young adults working towards their dreams.


Our venue for the interview was a coffee shop in the downtown core. As soon as I set foot in the cafe, I immediately recognized Alize. I spotted his trademark long, thick, hair buried under his hat.


When we found a seat and settled in, I couldn’t help but blurt out, “What made you reach out to me?” He told me that he liked my interview with V-Mix host, Dilshad Burman (BTW…he was featured on V-Mix a few years ago), so he decided to contact me.


I was flattered by his words and couldn’t wait to find out even more about him.


Wanna find out more too? Keep reading for the complete interview.


Hometown: Scarborough, ON

Astrological Sign: Gemini

What’s your fave web series: Bad Bitch Club

Fave Rappers: Drake, Childish Gambino, J. Cole, Nicki Minaj

Fun Fact: He grew up on r&b music. His mom played Mariah Carey, Toni Braxton and the Waiting to Exhale soundtrack!




Why did you decide to create the web series Life, Love N Struggle: Toronto?

I watched reality shows and I really enjoyed them and I was like, “Why can’t I have my own?” I also thought for my music it was a good way for me to get it out there. There were opportunities like V-Mix, but they are rare opportunities and I was trying different avenues. A lot of artists are now on reality shows – that’s their platform to get a bigger audience.


What is the premise behind your web series?

I started with a Pilot Project which was 4 episodes. It was lower budget and lower film quality but it was interesting to see how I worked with different personalities.


When it was done, everyone was saying, “We didn’t get to see your music!” I totally forgot because I got so engrossed in the drama…..the friendships. So I said, if we are going to do this again, we are going to do it right!


In December 2013, Alize decided to expand on his Pilot Project and make it bigger and better. It was shot during summer 2014 and currently airs every other Sunday.


Life, love and struggle - cast


Is the series really real? Is it scripted?

No, it’s not scripted. It’s based on everyone’s story.


In the beginning, before we all started, I asked people [the cast], “What’s your struggle? For some it was pursuing music… love life. I always ask them if this is how they really feel about a situation. Then give your real opinion.




When did you start rapping?

At 16. It was just something fun. My brother had an iPod Touch and he got one of those mixing apps on it so you could do multi-tracks.


I grew up with r&b, so I wasn’t looking at rap and thinking, “I could be next.” I was like, “it’s cool, lets try it.” So I started it for fun and slowly realized that I’m still fairly young…..the flows are okay and the rhymes okay. Gradually, over time I really want to perfect it. I’m very critical of myself.


Describe your music?

I grew up on r&b so I always try to incorporate it in my music. I don’t feel as a rapper I need to pigeon hole myself for a certain type of sound. I can diversify.


The last time I released an EP it was Superman on the Weekend. Every time I do any type of music, it’s gotta be next level. Whatever I did – same as the show – I’m thinking how can I make it 10 times better the next time. Always looking to elevate.


Tell me about your first performance.

My first performance was actually on the Episode 4 of the Pilot Project of Life, Love N’ Struggle years ago. It was the most nerve-racking thing ever! I was sweating, my legs were shaking…but I knew that if I could get up on that stage and do it once, I could do it again. I got off the stage and people were complimenting and cheering for me. I think that moment was pivotal for my music career because it really made me say to myself “you can do this.”




What would you like to accomplish with the web series and your music?

Firstly, I want to showcase my talents outside of music. I’ve always been multi-faceted and over the years I’ve done vlogs, music, art and film. Secondly, I want to give my music a platform I feel I haven’t been able to get up until this point. Life, Love N’ Struggle helps differentiate me from other rappers and proves I can bring more than just my writing skills and vocals to the table. My personality shines through my music, so if people can see how I am on a daily basis, they will know my music is coming from an authentic place. And of course, I want to show the talents of other Torontonians. We all bring something unique to the table. I want the world to know that.


Gotta love his determination. He is ready to show the world what he can do. Do your thang, Alize! Thanks for sitting with me.


Wanna know more about his music and web series? Visit the following links:



Twitter: @thisisAlizeS

YouTube: Click here

Instagram: @thisisalize



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